Dr. Da Huo
Dr. Da Huo is a Lecturer in Energy Systems Intelligence with the Centre for Energy Systems and Strategy at Cranfield University. His research innovates on model-based and machine learning methods to optimise flexible assets, distribution networks, and whole systems (including the integrated electricity and hydrogen systems) with the objectives of enhancing network security, cost-effectiveness, and reliability. Prior to joining Cranfield University, Da was a research associate for a EU H2020 MERLON project at Newcastle University from 2019 to 2021, working on microgrid optimisation. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Bath in 2018, focusing on the optimisation of multi-vector energy systems at the community level. He obtained the B.Eng. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Bath, and in electrical power engineering from North China Electric Power University, both in 2014.