Global HyPT Center – Kickoff Meeting
The Global HyPT Center officially started on December 1, 2023. A kickoff meeting was held at Arizona State University on February 12-13, 2024. About 50 people from five countries attended the kickoff meeting. Here is the meeting agenda.
The first day of the kickoff meeting focused on the big picture of hydrogen, with keynotes by Dr. Uwe Remme of International Energy Agency and Dr. Bryan Pivovar of US National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Here are the presentations on day one:
- Hydrogen – Global Status and Future Prospects, Dr. Uwe Remme, International Energy Agency
- Overview of Hydrogen Production Technologies, Prof. Greg Metha, University of Adelaide
- Overview of Global HyPT Center, Prof. Meng Tao, Arizona State University
- Stakeholder Needs for HyPT’s Success, Prof. Nazmiye Ozkan, Cranfield University
- Hydrogen at Scale, Dr. Bryan Pivovar, US National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- The Growing Gulf Coast Clean Hydrogen Ecosystem, Mr. Brett Perlman, Center for Houston’s Future and US Department of Energy HyVelocity Hub
- Hydrogen Activities from Basic Science at LBNL to Deployment at ARCHES, Dr. Adam Weber, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory and US Department of Energy ARCHES H2 Hub
- The Anticipated Role of Hydrogen in Heavy Industry Decarbonization, Prof. Gus Nathan, University of Adelaide
On day two we focused on the missions and goals of the Global HyPT Center. Each thrust area made a presentation about who we are and what we plan to do under the Center. More in-depth and casual conversations followed. Here are the presentations on day two:
- Overview of Water Electrolysis, Prof. Viola Birss, University of Calgary
- Overview of Electrolysis System, Prof. Mike Ranjram, Arizona State University
- Overview of Methane Pyrolysis, Prof. Murray Thomson, University of Toronto
- Overview of Photocatalysis, Prof. Greg Metha, University of Adelaide
- Overview of Policy, Economics, and Markets, Prof. Nazmiye Ozkan, Cranfield University
- Overview of Water Management, Prof. Francois Perreault, University of Quebec at Montreal
Our next in-person annual meeting will be in Cranfield, UK in June 2025. It is open to the public if you are interested. Please check this page later as more information will be available.