Meng Tao

Dr. Meng Tao is a Professor in the School of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering at Arizona State University. His research focuses on terawatt-scale solar technologies with the goal of pushing solar energy into a mainstream energy source by 2050. It covers a wide range of topics from materials and devices to systems and applications. Current research projects include recycling technologies for solar panels, solar systems for electrolytic hydrogen production and electric vehicle charging, and electrolytic purification for solar-grade silicon. For the last two decades, he has been promoting solar energy at the state, federal, and global levels including the initiation and launch of the US Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium and the Global Hydrogen Production Technologies Center. Dr. Meng Tao was awarded the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Alternative Energy Technology and is currently a Fulbright Alumni Ambassador. He was invited to the 2017 Nobel Award Ceremony.

Meng Tao
Meng Tao