Prof. Okke Batelaan
Prof. Okke Batelaan is Strategic Professor in Hydrogeology at Flinders University. Professor Batelaan has a broad experience in teaching integrated water resources management, groundwater hydrology, groundwater modelling, GIS and remote sensing for hydrological applications. He (co-)supervised to successful completion more than 200 students for their Master or PhD thesis. He has extensive research experience and a publication record in shallow groundwater hydrology and modeling, recharge-discharge estimation and modeling, urban hydrology and distributed modeling, ecohydrology and impacts of land use and climate change on groundwater systems. He coordinated and participated in a large number of projects in Europe, Africa, South America, Asia, and Australia. He is a board member of the Goyder Institute for Water Research, editor-in-chief of Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, and associate editor for Journal of Hydrology.